Our Mission
Our mission is to equip schools with resources to bring The Miracle Morning into their communities with practices that invite mindful living, set future intention and encourage conscious action for today’s scholars, teachers, administrators, and parents one school at a time.
The Miracle Morning is a routine that consists of six habits that we call the LIFE S.A.V.E.R.S. – Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing.
Based on the best-selling book and Philosophy of Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning for Schools program is designed to to help you, your students, and your school reach their full potential first thing in the morning and throughout the day!
Standards & Alignment
The Miracle Morning is aligned to the CASEL Framework. It can be easily mapped to support SEL standards and address assessment results.
If you have questions about The Miracle Morning and SEL, please send us an email!
If you have questions about The Miracle Morning and SEL, please send us an email!